
Building connections

Architecture exists as a multi-disciplinary profession, demanding a substantial range and depth of both design talent and technical expertise to serve the complex needs of our clients. MCA’s clients and their specific facility needs are very diverse. The majority of our clients are major institutions who own, occupy and maintain their own facilities. However, the need to design and to build – the “Why?” – is different for each unique client and project. The common thread, is that to accomplish their goals, each of our clients requires the same thing: a responsive and reliable professional partner that brings the appropriate design talent, discipline, technical expertise and leadership to the table – every time.

Marshall Craft Associates relishes the collaborative effort involved in defining and creating meaningful and effective physical environments for all our clients. We are committed to maximizing the full life-cycle potential of each facility, and to nurturing our clients original vision from strategic planning through successful construction post-occupancy. We integrate award-winning aesthetic sensibilities and technical knowledge with level-headed objectivity, and strong communication and leadership skills. In other words, we deliver superlative design delivered through a well-managed process.

Our very high repeat work rate for clients with necessarily high expectations (97%) is the strongest testimonial to our reliability. In short – we find and then we do the Right Thing for each project. Every time.


MCA’s has the multidisciplinary practice needed to support the evolving demands placed on our clients. Beyond design talent, our architectural team hold a range of advanced degrees, expertise and accreditations: from LEAN building and evidence-based design, to biophilic design, building envelope technology, BIM and simulated reality modeling, and sustainability, to name a few.

We believe the diversity of skillset and experience in our practice has led MCA to innovative solutions for our clients, from highly sustainable LEED Platinum projects to innovative improved healthcare delivery venues, such as for the nation-leading Chemo-Infusion Unit concept (The LIVING Room) for Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Our practice continues to add, evolve and enhance specialized skillsets necessary to meet the challenges faced by our client’s unique requirements. Above all, we provide strong management leadership to make the best use of the diverse resources MCA has available for our clients.

MCA strives to enhance the quality of life in our communities by providing services for a wide variety of cultural and civic institutions. From museums (including major national institutions), to churches and local government facilities, we draw on our broad background in specialized project types to meet the varied needs of our clients.

Gallery Upgrades – Dumbarton Oaks Museum, Harvard College


MCA respects the important missions of our Federal Agencies and their employees, and is proud to support their diverse range of civic roles – from Basic Science and Healthcare Research to Homeland Security and Defense. MCA’s professionals not only design productive workplace environments, but are skilled at helping federal agencies build consensus and address operational challenges in a world of multiple stakeholders and budget constraints. Our firm is well managed and well positioned to provide the level of responsiveness, quality, and effective communication that our federal clients expect and deserve.

MCA creates facilities that are efficient, appropriate to the mission, resilient and sustainable, while being focused on the health and well being of the people that use them. We understand the nature and intent of a wide-range of federal guidance, regulations, standards, and specifications, and are successful at navigating projects through funding cycles and phases, when necessary. Our team’s leadership, experience, technical capabilities, and comprehensive approach to project management, have led to MCA’s exceptional past federal performance ratings.

Military Departments Investigative Agencies – Quantico, VA


Our Healthcare clients operate in performance-driven environments, demanding greater quality patient care, superior patient satisfaction scores, and enriching spaces for patients and staff, all in a changing economic and regulatory landscape. MCA and our clients have consistently demonstrated that this can be accomplished while continuing to provide high quality healthcare architecture that supports a comprehensive wellness approach in an engaging and nurturing context.

With a focus on designing for wellness, our team of healthcare experts utilizes the latest process and research tools, including LEAN based design exercises, evidence based design research, and biophilic design elements. Regardless of project size, MCA collaborates with you at every step, to deliver innovative results that meet your strategic initiatives while providing flexibility and positive outcomes in this evolving marketplace.

Shore Health System of Maryland – Shore Regional Cancer Center


Each higher education institution is built from its own unique combination of basic building blocks, the expression of which makes up the unique and special fabric of each campus. For MCA, doing the Right Thing for your campus means making it our business to understand what makes each institution singular, to discern how the parts have shaped the present and how they may impact the future of campus.

In the past 35+ years, MCA has successfully delivered over 900 higher education projects spanning every sector of the higher education campus experience. We relish the collaborative effort involved in conceiving and developing exemplary physical environments for our college and university clients – your students, staff, faculty and communities –  and are committed to the full life cycle of your facilities.

Cecil College – Engineering & Mathematics Building


Marshall Craft Associates is accomplished in the preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation of historically significant structures. In each sector of our practice, we have encountered thoughtfully designed and expertly crafted buildings of historical importance that are either designated for restoration or repurposed to serve an entirely new function. The careful treatment of these buildings is a mission for us, and we take great care to develop the appropriate response for each challenge.

In several ways, the greenest buildings are those that already exist. MCA’s Historic + Adaptive Reuse studio specializes in bringing existing buildings up to current code and functionality by integrating the latest innovations in energy efficiency, technology, and sustainability while respecting the historic fabric of the structure. Our staff is familiar with the historic guidelines and requirements of Federal and State agencies and frequently bring together both in-house and specialized consulting expertise, from archeologists and materials restoration crafts people to high tech LIDAR laser scanning, to address each projects unique challenges. Whether renovating historic buildings to make new work appear as though it has always existed (or to not appear at all), or to create a stark contrast between modern construction materials and the original historic fabric, MCA seeks to work collaboratively to find the contextually appropriate solution that is the Right Thing for each project.

United States Naval Academy Chapel Restoration – Annapolis, MD


Marshall Craft Associates’ accomplished education studio creates school communities accommodating a wide range of learning needs and teaching styles in safe, welcoming, engaging and sustainable environments. We find great design provides positive learning outcomes for students, regardless of learning needs, provides satisfaction for your professional staff, and engenders supportive parents and community. From nurturing pre-kindergarten infants to high school seniors and particularly students with special challenges, MCA designed school facilities contribute in profound ways to a lifetime of success in learning.

MCA’s expertise in school design spans a broad range of owner, user and project types. Our familiarity with the evolving needs of Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade facilities includes years of experience working with Public, Independent and Charter schools as well as clients serving Behavioral Health, Special Needs and Childcare populations. We bring knowledge and experience with the specialized design criteria for these facilities to each project, and confirm the right solution through in-depth user input and attention to the smallest details.

Fairhill School & Diagnostic Assessment Center Expansion – Dallas, TX


In a competitive business environment, professional design services should be a value-added proposition, regardless of facility type and function. From productive workspaces to effective R&D centers, and from mission critical data and telecommunications centers to GMP manufacturing facilities, the final result must enhance, in as many ways as possible, the enterprise mission and bottom line.

For over 30 years, MCA has met and exceeded the needs of major industry leaders in demanding and specialized business sectors. At client request, we have often provided customized “Facilities Solutions” services to accommodate their short and long-term needs. MCA and our clients have proven time and again – Good Design is always Good Business.

MCA Corporate Headquarters – Baltimore, MD


The innovative work accomplished by our major institutional and corporate clients in their laboratories and research facilities forms the cornerstone of our new and future knowledge-based economy.

MCA has worked in Science & Research facilities across several of our client sectors, from advanced academic science teaching and research facilities to medical research facilities for some of the country’s leading institutions, and from medical center testing laboratories to Fortune 500 corporate research & development facilities working in wide-ranging fields from electronic defense systems to consumer products.

Positron Facility – Johns Hopkins Hospital

  • BIM Modelling
    Historic Newcomer Hall
    Maryland School for the Blind

  • Point-cloud laser scanning
    Harvard University
    Dumbarton Oaks Museum

  • Digital Concept Sketch
    UMD College of Behavioral and Sciences Sciences

Our Practice

Technology: In the Service of Great Design

Technology does not make great designers, but it makes great designers better. As the tools of our profession have changed, MCA has adapted our workflow to the opportunities afforded by new technology. From site investigation to design modeling and from project documentation to construction phase communication, MCA remains committed to adopting the most useful tools currently available to provide our clients with the best design service available.

An early adopter of Revit BIM modeling, MCA now utilizes Augmented (AR) and Virtual Reality (AR) technologies, point-cloud laser scanning, miniaturized scope cameras and drone photography for field investigation, mobile device-based document field markup, an office-wide NewForma software platform for enhanced team communication, and a host of other advanced technologies to support our clients mission-critical projects.