Facilities Solutions

Challenge Us

MCA Facilities Solutions encompass a variety of customized services that MCA has developed over time, in response to specific requests from our large institutional and corporate clients. This includes accommodating a wide range of requests, from comprehensive Building Assessments to Equipment Inventory + Planning, Process Layout Assistance, Relocation Services, Facilities Document Organization + Archiving and more. All are flexible in scope and customized to suit a clients unique needs. This collaboration between MCA and our clients strengthens the value of our long-term partnerships, and yields results that are quicker and more efficient in responding to dynamic organizational change.

Some of these services are provided specifically for one client, while other services are provided for multiple clients across several industries. They continue to evolve as necessary. Our approach is defined in collaboration with relevant Owner in-house teams, often including administration, project management, planning + design, manufacturing + process, construction, IT, maintenance, safety, and security.

Do you have a unique facilities need? Challenge us.
More than likely, we can help.

Facilities Solutions

Invaluable for use in long range planning and maintenance budgeting, MCA provides assessments of existing Owner assets from individual buildings, to entire campuses. MCA has also collaborated on assessments of entire Statewide K-12 school systems and University Campuses. Where required, MCA supplements our in-house expertise with a team of strategic partners in specialized areas.

Assessments are customized to the desired level of granularity, based on Owner information needs and budget, and may cover all, or only a portion, of building systems and spaces. Assessment subjects may include, but are not limited to: space utilization & capacity, accessibility, building & fire code compliance, building envelope and building systems.

For projects involving large amounts of fixed and loose equipment, MCA has provided equipment inventory and planning support. Services have ranged from inventory of existing equipment, to various degrees of granularity, coordinating the relocation of equipment. Equipment relocation coordination includes addressing space needs and utility support requirements. For certain types of projects has extended to the specification of new equipment.

In addition to working closely with world-class process engineering firms on larger projects, MCA has supported manufacturing client’s in-house expertise by providing process & production line layout assistance.

MCA provides complete coordination of institutional relocation efforts, from individuals to entire departments. These relocations often require fast turnaround, and include the management and coordination of all move related tasks such as furniture, telecommunications equipment and workstation contents.

Historic campus documents can be an invaluable resource for institutional facilities managers, yet they are often lost or kept in a fashion that leaves them very difficult, if not impossible, to access when needed. MCA manages coordinating the archiving of vast amounts of historic facilities related documents, including organizing and digitizing legacy drawings and specifications, for large institutional and corporate clients.

To supplement specific client needs, MCA provides temporary on-site staffing solutions for the design, planning and facilities departments of our large institutional and corporate client. These on-site engagements by MCA professionals can last a few weeks or several years. Our clients find it to be an efficient and cost effective way to accommodate temporary staffing shortfalls.

MCA has worked with our clients’ in-house or separately commissioned branding experts to coordinate building and campus architecture and environmental design into the overall corporate or institutional branding experience.

  • MCA provides process
    documentation and
    layout support
    for client in-house
    engineering staff


Production Process Support

On occasion, our industrial clients find it efficient to have process line layout and other process space changes designed by their in-house engineering staff, as opposed to outside consultants. MCA provides design services to support this effort. Traditionally, this might include space verification and documentation, utilities coordination and CAD or BIM equipment layout documentation. Under the direction of the in-house process engineering staff, who provide the required parameters and equipment information, MCA provides process layout options for review, revision and final approval.