Masters Center for Science, Mathematics and Engineering

Elizabethtown College | Elizabethtown, PA

Project Highlights

  • Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematical Sciences, Computer Sciences, Psychology, Occupational Therapy
  • Merging operations of seven different departments | MCA senior project management team is used to negotiating in large committees with multiple stakeholders
  • Design incorporated PKAL design philosophy for multi-disciplinary science education I The College and project design team participated in a Keck Consultancy during design phase
  • Maintaining operations throughout construction | Multi-contract phasing plan used multiple delivery methods and durations
  • Connected two dissimilar buildings to create a single cohesive facility | Strategically placed central atrium connects levels, provides circulation and unifying displays
  • Biology facilities included laboratory classrooms an associated equipment and preparation rooms, microscopy, dedicated faculty and student research laboratories, human cadaver accommodation in anatomy & physiology
  • Chemistry facilities included teaching laboratories, a chemistry reading room and student/faculty research laboratories including an NMR Spectroscopy facility on public view
  • Additional notable laboratory spaces include a robotics lab, Kid's Zone human research space for Occupational Therapy, Biopsychology research facilities, AAALAC compliant animal and aquaria facilities
  • Notable project spaces include a centrally located museum for the display of a donated world-class mineral collection, a 2,000 NSF Fabrication Laboratory addition, and a completely modernized 300+ seat Gibble auditorium.

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Project Details

Professional Expertise

Higher Education | Science + Research

Professional Services

Architecture | Interior Design | Planning + Programming | Facilities Solutions


SCUP Annual Conference – Feature Panel Presentation

American School + University Architectural Portfolio Outstanding Project

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