Our Projects


    Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum

    We are proud to announce that we have been selected by the Maryland Department of Planning and the Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum (JPPM) to provide architectural services for a renovation of the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory (MAC Lab).

    Built in 1998, this facility collects objects recovered from land-based and underwater projects conducted by State and Federal agencies throughout Maryland and serves as the designated repository for the state. After over 20 years of collections intake from excavations, the MAC Lab is looking to expand their collections storage capacity with a 4,000 SF addition to provide for continued research. To aid in this effort, the renovation will include upgrades to facilitate loading and moving of artifacts throughout the lab and a mechanical system upgrade to better support the preservation of the collection.  The expansion of the barn-like structure will complement the historical and agricultural nature of the JPPM site, supporting the existing character of the rest of the campus.

    We “dig” the expansion effort supported by JPPM and the State of Maryland—we can’t wait examine the “bones” of the structure and explore design options that will enhance the MAC Lab’s continued research!


    MCA is proud to be the Architect of Record for the National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA) Renovation.  NMWA is “the first museum in the world that is solely dedicated to championing women through the arts.”  (Link to NMWA’s About page:  https://nmwa.org/about/)  This renovation will support NMWA’s mission by transforming their facility with flexible galleries, breathtaking event and retail spaces, and state-of-the-art education areas, while preserving the building’s historic character.


    MCA is collaborating with Lead Design Architect, Sandra Vicchio & Associates, and the talented women that form the backbone of the Design and Construction Teams.  On International Women’s Day, we celebrate that this project team is comprised of so many gifted women.  Females have been historically underrepresented in the construction industry.  According to a recent AIA article, “only 17% of registered architects are women.”  Likewise, about 13% of engineers are female and less than 10% of construction professionals are women.  For these reasons, we wanted to commend our remarkable team of accomplished women that is bringing this noteworthy project to fruition.


    MCA & The National Park Service

    MCA is working as a team architect to participate in design solutions for the FEA and NPS. We have used our advanced knowledge of architectural systems to perform studies and design charrettes from the striking mountains of Yosemite to the historical site of Manassas National Battlefield. As an ongoing effort, we are quickly expanding our portfolio to bring our efforts to new projects across the United States.

    Although all three of our offices are located in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, we are not limited to being heavily involved with projects as far as Hawaii. To view more about our partnership with the FEA and NPS, see our portfolio page.