Verizon Communications, Inc.(NYSE:VZ) is an American telecommunications conglomerate and one of 30 components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Verizon, Maryland is subsidiary. With the breakup of AT&T in 1984, the predecessor to Verizon became the “Baby Bell” Company, Bell Atlantic. One of their subsidiaries was the C&P Telephone Company of Maryland, which was renamed Bell Atlantic – Maryland, Inc. in 1994. In 2000, Bell Atlantic acquired GTE and changed its name to Verizon, with all operating companies following suit. Today, Verizon, among other business lines, is the largest wireless communications service provider in the United States. As of 2017, they were also the second largest telecommunications company by revenue.
MCA began providing professional consulting services to the then C&P Telephone Company in 1986, with renovation to the Towson Central office during the conversion from electromechanical to digital switching and continued to provide service through all subsequent reorganizations up to and including Verizon. MCA’s experience with Verizon is broad and deep, consisting of well over 200 substantial projects, including a wide range of new construction, building additions, renovation and maintenance projects, including:
- Central (Switching) Offices
- Remote Switching Modules
- Corporate Headquarters Office Renovations
- Directory Assistance Call Centers
- Data Centers
- Service Operations Centers
- Network Operations Center
- Collocation Facilities
- Building envelope maintenance and repair design
- Antenna Installation Design
Much of MCA’s current corporate Quality Assurance/Quality Control culture, is in part based on long experience with Verizon as they initiated Total Quality Management standards across their system in the 1990’s and required their professional service providers to follow suite. MCA and Verizon leadership often attended mandatory TQM training together and today remained ingrained in our senior leadership, forming the core of MCA’s workflow approach.
Project Highlights
- Vast range of project types, most involving facilities to accommodate and secure telecommunications and data systems
- Large number of accelerated schedule and fast-track projects
- MCA new construction experience with Verizon includes the design of many new digital switching buildings throughout the state of Maryland, in almost every County
- MCA Verizon project experience includes also includes building additions, major and minor renovations, adaptive re-use and building envelope restoration work
- MCA Verizon portfolio includes every building type in Verizon real estate inventory, from major urban central offices to remote rural switching facilities
- Due to use-group type for telecommunications facilities, most Verizon new construction projects have required MCA participation and support for zoning hearing and special exception approvals

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