I was pleased to spend a week in California working at the Joshua Tree National Park this past March. Our A/E team is taking a comprehensive look at the repair and replacement of the Black Rock Canyon Campground’s facilities and utilities. These upgrades will eliminate a large percentage of the deferred maintenance for this part of the park. Our team enjoyed collaborating with the park Superintendent as well as park staff in charge of education and interpretation, trails, and facilities to understand their overall programmatic needs. This information is being used to generate a report that describes the planning implications and projected costs associated with these upgrades.
Within the Black Rock Canyon Campground, we are focusing on a complete overhaul of utilities coming into the grounds as well as preserving the original 1950’s Jellystone Lodge that now serves as the Nature Center for Joshua Tree National Park. In addition to the main campground area, we are tasked with assessing the Interagency Fire Center, Staff Residence, and Maintenance Facility that all support the campground.
We are very honored to be a part of the FEA team for this substantial National Park Service effort as we visit and assess many of the National Park facilities and Monuments throughout the NPS Pacific West, Intermountain and Alaska Regions of United States.